

Postgraduate center of ISP RAS

Postgraduate center of ISP RAS teaches postgraduate students according to Russian qualification standard 05.13.11 "Mathematical and program support for computers, their complexes, and networks". The education is performed off-site and on-site.
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The Department of system programming of MIPT

The Department of system programming is created on the base of the Institute for system programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISP RAS) in 1995 with the goal to improve the MIPT students’ knowledge basis on modern computer technologies, the base of which is the system programming.

Te head of the Department is the director of the ISP RAS, the MIPT graduate, Ivannikov Viktor Petrovich, RAS academician, doctor of physics and mathematics (1980) with a degree in «Mathematic and software provision of computing machines and systems» – 05.13.11, professor (1986) with a degree in « Mathematic and software provision of computing machines and systems » – 05.13.11.


The Department of system programming of CMC MSU

The Department of system programming was founded in 1970 during the creation of CMC faculty, the first Department chairman was a distinguished MSU professor, RANS academician M.R. Shura-Bura (1918–2008). The RAS academician, professor, doctor of physics and mathematics V.P. Ivannikov is the chairman since 1994.

The Department trains specialists in information technologies with more deep knowledge in the following areas: general problems of software engineering and information security, architecture of system software including operational systems, compilers, database management systems, telecommunication software and middleware.
