Vladimir Vasilievitch Lipaev

Vladimir Vasilievitch Lipaev - professor, doctor of technical sciences, chief scientist of the Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Science. Graduated from the physical faculty of the Moscow State University at 1950. From 1954 till 1988 was the employee of the Moscow Research Institute for Instrument Automation. At the end of this period worked as the Chief Designer and Chair of the Coordinating Council for software design automation of the Ministry for Radio Industry of the USSR, the director of the integrated project "Prometeus" on technology for large-scale software tools building for real-time systems.
The main scientific interests are concentrated around fields of software engineering, reliability of software operation, open information systems, and software portability. Actively deals with problems of quality maintenance, testing, standardization, and certification of sophisticated software complexes. About 40 years works on software research and development for radar data processing systems and tools for building control real-time systems. Based on Prof. Lipaev’s theoretical research and great experience on large software projects implementation, six large instrumental systems were developed under his leadership to automate technological processes in life cycle of complex software systems, which were widely used in the defense industry and are partially in use even now. 20 PhD and 2 doctor thesis’s were prepared and defended under his scientific direction.
From 1970 till nowadays Prof. Lipaev has published more than 50 monographs and textbooks on methods, techniques, tools and standardization for complex software systems development and life cycle quality maintenance. Prof. Lipaev is the author of 5 invention and more than 400 periodical publications. During 30 years he served as a lecturer on software engineering at MEPhI, MIREA, MIPT.
Defended PhD thesis at 1957, doctor of science thesis – at 1965, and professor since 1970. The Honoured Worker for science and technology of Russian Federation (1983), the laureate of the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1985), the laureate of the Prize of Russian Government in the field of education (2001).