Monographs of Vladimir Lipaev
Technical and Economic Justification for Projects of Complex Software Systems.
Series "Quality Management". M.: SYNTEG, 2004. - 284 p.

The book considers purposes and tasks of technical and economic analysis and justification of software facilities projects, forecasting for limited recourses utilization in large software complexes development. Software objects characteristics and factors defining technical and economic indices in software facility development are analyzed. Methods are presented for estimation of costs for development software complexes from scratch as well as with reusable components. A number of additional factors are analyzed that impact on costs of complex software facility development: requirements for objects of development and their quality attributes; characteristics of human specialists; technological environment of development. Three practical methods of technical and economic justification of software facilities projects are presented: one is based on expert estimation of labour productivity and costs for one line of program code; second uses preliminary evaluation of work content and program development duration, and also a needed number of human specialists; and the third one considers a complex of additional factors that impact on program development costs.
The book is recommended for customers, executives, and managers of large-scale projects of software facilities with high-level functional quality requirements and limited development recourses. It may be also useful for system analysts, members of research and development projects, undergraduate and postgraduate students that relate with software products development.
Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Basics of technical and economic justification for software facilities life cycle.
1.1. Purposes and tasks of technical and economic analysis and justification for software facilities projects.
1.2. Forecasting of technical and economic characteristics of software facilities.
1.3. Structure of costs in complex software facilities life cycle.
1.4. Risks on technical and economic justification for software facilities projects.
Chapter 2. Main factors defining technical and economic indices in software facilities life cycle.
2.1. Special features of objects defining technical and economic indices in software facilities life cycle.
2.2. Specifics of measuring scale –size of objects in technical and economic justification for software facilities projects.
Chapter 3. Base characteristics of costs for development software facilities.
3.1. Estimation of labour productivity and development duration for software facilities developed from scratch.
3.2. Estimation of costs for software facilities development base on reuse of existing software components.
3.3. Distribution of costs for software facilities development between stages of a project.
Chapter 4. Factors that impact on costs in complex software facilities development.
4.1. A concept of refinement of costs forecasts under the influence of different factors in software facilities development.
4.2. The influence of requirements for software facilities characteristics on costs in the development process.
4.3. The influence of characteristics of human specialists on costs in software facilities development.
4.4. The influence of technological environment on costs in software facilities development.
4.5. The influence of computing hardware environment on costs in software facilities implementation.
Chapter 5. Methods of technical and economic justification for projects of complex software facilities.
5.1. Methods of primary expert technical and economic justification for software facilities development.
5.2. Methods of technical and economic justification for software facilities development base on the model of СОСОМО 11.2000.
5.3. Methods of technical and economic justification for software facilities development base on the native PLAPS model.
A1. List of major standards in the field of technical and economic justification for projects of complex software facilities.
A2. Examples of forecasts of technical and economic indices of software facilities development based on COCOMO models.
About author.
Information about the books by V.V. Lipaev.
Books of the SYNTEG publishers.