Monographs of Vladimir Lipaev
Processes and standards of a life cycle of complex software facilities. Reference book.
Series "Quality Management". M.: SYNTEG, 2006. - 260 p.

The book considers major tasks and features of software engineering and standardization of a life cycle (LC) of complex software facilities (SFs). It presents the purpose and methods of forming of profiles for modern international standards for LC of software complexes. The book includes general description of processes and standards for management of LC of software facilities: the CMM model of standards, standards for administrative control of systems' quality assurance, standards for management of quality of software facilities, standards of open systems regulating a structure of SFs and their interfaces with operational environment. A considerable attention is given to processes and standards of SFs development, maintenance, and configuration management. Base international standards for LC of systems and SFs, guidelines for their adaptation, standards for SFs verification and testing are annotated. The special section is dedicated to processes and standards of quality assurance in a SFs' life cycle: quality evaluation of SFs, provision of functional safety, regulating of documentation, and standardization of SFs certification. About 50 major international standards reulating a LC of SFs are listed and annotated. That allows users sometimes to avoid a tedious reading of original standards.
The reference book is intended for customers, leaders and managers of large-scale software system projects with strong requirements for competitive ability, compliance with modern international standards, and quality and functional safety. It may be also useful for system analysts, members of scientific and development projects, undergraduate and graduate students specialized in software development in a level of modern standards.
Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Major tasks of standards for a life cycle of software facilities.
1.1. Profiles of standards for a life cycle of software facilities.
1.2. Features of standardization of a life cycle of software facilities.
Chapter 2. Processes and standards for a life cycle of software facilities.
2.1. Features of standards for a management of a life cycle of software facilities.
2.2. Processes and models for a management of projects of software facilities - CMM/CMMI.
2.3. Standards of an administrative control of systems quality assurance.
2.4 Standards for a management of systems quality assurance.
2.5 Open systems standards regulating a structure of software facilities and their interfaces with operational environment.
Chapter 3. Processes and standards for software facilities' development, maintenance, and configuration management.
3.1. Features of development processes in a life cycle of software facilities.
3.2. Base standards for a life cycle of systems and software facilities.
3.3. Guidelines for adaptation of base standards for a life cycle of systems and software facilities.
3.4. Standards for verification and testing of software facilities.
3.5. Standards for maintenance and configuration management of software facilities.
Chapter 4. Processes and standards for quality assurance in a life cycle of software facilities.
4.1 Features of a quality assurance processes in a life cycle of software facilities.
4.2 Standards for quality evaluation of software facilities.
4.3 Standards for provision of software facilities' functional safety.
4.4 Standards regulating software facilities' documentation.
4.5 Standardization of certification in a life cycle of software facilities.
Appendix. A list of major standards regulating a life cycle of software facilities.
About author.
The series of monographs of V.V. Lipaev.
Books of SINTEG publishers.
Magazines of NAUCHTECHLITIZDAT publishers.