Monographs of Vladimir Lipaev
Functional Security of Software Systems.
Series "Quality Management". M.: SYNTEG, 2004. - 348 p.

Original observations, basic notions and factors, characteristics of objects and environment are considered, for which functional security of program facilities and systems should be provided. Recourses are analyzed that are needed for functional security provision, and causes and statistical characteristics of software complexes defects and bugs are studied. Principles of organization and planning of requirements development for functional security quality of software facilities are described. A significant attention is paid for technological processes, development and documentation of software facilities that are embedded into a system, and also for standards contents that regulate their functional security during full life cycle. Recommendations for verification of requirements for software facilities functional security, for modules and software components testing, and for qualification testing of secure software complexes are presented. Methods for functional security enhancement by operational control and recovery (restart) of software facilities components and systems, and also methods for functional security improving and configuration management are recommended. A special attention is focused on testing, estimation and validation of complex software facilities functional security during a certification process.
The book is recommended for specialists supported a life cycle of complex software facilities and systems with strong requirements for functional security and reliability. It may be useful for members of research and development projects, undergraduate and postgraduate students, related with complex secure systems and high-quality software facilities design and development.
Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Main factors defining functional security of software facilities.
1.1. Main notions and factors defining functional security of software facilities.
1.2. Characteristics of systems and environment, for which software facilities functional security should be provided.
1.3. Recourses for functional security of software facilities provision.
1.4. Statistical characteristics of defects and bugs appearance in software complexes.
Chapter 2. Development of requirements for functional security of software facilities.
2.1. Organization and planning of requirements development for functional security of software facilities.
2.2. Processes of requirements development for functional security and quality of software facilities.
2.3. Risk analysis during development of requirements for functional security of software facilities.
Chapter 3. Technological processes for functional security provision within software facilities life cycle.
3.1. Processes for functional security provision of software facilities in the IЕС 61508.standard.
3.2. Specific features of processes for functional security provision of software facilities in the ISO 15408 standard.
3.3. Specific features of methodology for software facilities security provision in the ISO 13335 standard.
3.4. Specific features of processes of software facilities life cycle in the ISO 12207 standard.
3.5. Specific features of processes of software facilities life cycle in the ISO 15504 standard.
3.6. Specific features of development and documentation of embedded software facilities in the standard GOST R 51904.
3.7. Specific features of software facilities building for security systems of nuclear power plant according with the IEC 60880.standard.
3.8. Practical rules for security control in the ISO 17799 standard.
Chapter 4. Software facilities verification and testing for functional security provision.
4.1. Basics of software verification and testing for functional security provision.
4.2. Testing of modules and software components.
4.3. Qualification testing of software components and complexes functional security.
4.4. Functional security enhancement by means of operational control and recovery (restart) of software components and systems.
Chapter 5. Adjustment and improvement of software facilities functional security.
5.1. Improvement and configuration management of software facilities functional security.
5.2. Organization and documentation of processes for improving software facilities functional security.
Chapter 6. Nesting, estimation, and validation of software facilities functional security.
6.1. Techniques for software facilities functional security estimation.
6.2. Accelerated testing of software facilities functional security.
6.3. Tools for automation of testing of software facilities functional security.
6.4. Validation software facilities functional security during a certification process.
A1 List of the major standards that regulate software facilities functional security.
A2. Choose of tools for functional security provision during software complexes life cycle.
About author.
Books of SYNTEG publishers.