Monographs of Vladimir Lipaev
Program and Data Portability of Open Information Systems.
M.: Scientific book, 1997. - 368 p.

Principles and methods of portable applications and databases are considered based on the concept and standards of Open Systems. Quality metrics, results of effectiveness estimation, and methods for technological security provision in information systems design with portable programs and data are presented. The architecture and contents of the complex of international standards, which provide information systems life cycle and their creation by programs reuse and porting into another platforms, are described. Annotations of more than 140 international standards are provided that regulate design, development, and evolution of open system applications.
The book is recommended for developers, customers, and executives of complex information systems projects. It may be also used as textbook for higher school students, and as a reference book on methods and standards of Open Systems.
Table of contents:
Chapter 1. The basics of program and data portability provision in information systems.
1.1. Characteristics of modern information systems, methodologies, technologies, and tools of software engineering.
1.2. Principles and tasks of programs and data reuse and porting in information systems.
1.3. Recent practical techniques for programs and data reuse and porting in information systems.
1.4. Analysis of factors that impact on effectiveness of programs and data reuse and their porting into another platforms.
1.5. Life cycle of complex software facilities.
1.6. Tasks and development directions of the open systems concept.
1.7. Profiles of open information systems and software facilities life cycle.
Chapter 2. Characteristics of object and processes of application creation by porting from another platforms.
2.1. Quality metrics and quality management for software applications and databases.
2.2. Technical and economic effectiveness of software applications creation by porting into different platforms.
2.3. Software facilities and data security security provision in information systems.
Chapter 3. Technology for portable software facilities creation for complex information systems.
3.1. System analysis and design of complex software facilities.
3.2. Detailed design and development of portable software facilities.
3.3. Testing of software complexes and their components.
3.4. Maintenance and configuration management of portable software facilities.
3.5. Software facilities quality control, testing, and certification.
Chapter 4. Standards supporting creation of portable software applications in information systems.
4.1. Standards that regulate application interfaces with operating system.
4.2. Standards that regulate user interfaces with operating system.
4.3. Standards that regulate organization and interfaces of file systems and databases.
4.4. Standards that regulate administrative management in information systems.
4.5. Standards that regulate programming of software facilities components.
4.6. Standards that regulate testing of software facilities components.
4.7. Standards that regulate maintenance and configuration management of complex software facilities.
4.8. Standards that regulate documentation of software facilities and databases.