Monographs of Vladimir Lipaev
Analysis and minimizing risks of complex programming tools projects.
Series "Quality Management". M.: SYNTEG, 2005. - 224 p.

The book provides an analytical overview of modern models and standards for program facilities (PF) risk management. Based on some regulations of these models and standards, a System Conception of risk analysis and reduction for projects of complex PF is proposed, which is detailized in the consequent chapters. Major sources and reasons of risks of PF manifestation are analyzed: risks as a consequence of typical defects and mistakes of program complexes; risks due defects of scale estimations and incorrect PF requirements specifications. A special attention is concentrated on risk analysis and reduction of functional appropriateness, reliability, and functional security in a large-scale PF life cycle. Risk alterations due to project resources limitations are analyzed: economical - available laboriousness; number and qualification of developers as well as time limits specified by a customer of a PF development. The analysis of these problems should be considered as extensions of the Conception and directions for further methods research to provide high quality and risk elimination for complex program products. The supplements provide major terms and definitions, and also the list of international standards in the area of risk management and PF quality provision.
The book is dedicated for customers, directors, and managers of large-scale projects of program facilities with high-level requirements for risk elimination for software development. It may be useful for system analysts, members of research and development projects, students and PhD students related with production of complex program facilities.
Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Models and standards for risks management on projects of software facilities.
1.1. Major models for risks management on projects of software facilities.
1.2 Standardization of risks management for software facilities.
Chapter 2. A concept of analysis and reducing of risks of projects of software facilities.
2.1. Source data preparation for analysis and management of risks of a project of software facilities.
2.2. Discovery, identification, and analysis of threats and risks in a software facility's life cycle.
2.3. A thread of risks estimation and selection of effective counteractions for their reduction.
2.4. Reduction and elimination of dangerous risks of projects of software facilities.
2.5. Control, registration, monitoring, and approval of admissible integral risk of the program facility.
Chapter 3. Major sources and causes of defects and bugs in software facilities.
3.1. Risks as a result of defects and bugs in software facilities.
3.2. Risks in an estimation of scale of complex software facilities.
3.3. Risks in generation of requirements for characteristics of complex software facilities.
Chapter 4. Risks of functional appropriateness of software facilities.
4.1. Functional characteristics of objects that define risks in a program facility's life cycle.
4.2. Risks of reliability and functional security in a program facility's life cycle.
4.3. Risks as a result of limitation of resources of a project of software facilities.
A1. Terms and definitions.
A2. List of main standards in the area of quality support and risk management for complex software facilities.
About author.
Books of V.V. Lipaev.
Books of SINTEG publishers.