Monographs of Vladimir Lipaev
Maintenance and Configuration Management of Complex Program Systems.
Series "Quality Management". M.: SYNTEG, 2006. - 372 p.

The book considers peculiarities of project management, methods and processes of maintenance of software facilities (SF). Characteristics of defects, mistakes and modifications in complex SF are described. Maintenance stages and procedures, and also resources needed to support SF modifications are introduced as well as their quality characteristics. Sufficient attention is focused on tasks and peculiarities of programs and data porting in information systems, and also on factors that affect efficiency of porting to other platforms, verification and testing of changes in SF maintenance. Methods and processes, stages and procedures of SF configuration management are described. The book also presents basics of documentation and archiving, training of specialists for SF maintenance, standardization and profiling of life-cycle standards, SF configuration management. Some features of tools for configuration management are indicated. Tasks and directions of development and adaptation of the concept of Open Systems, standards that regulate SF structure and its interfaces with operational and external environments, and peculiarities of a profile for open information systems, SFs, and databases are described.
The book is recommended for customers, managers, and developers of SF projects with strong requirements for quality of program facilities. It may be also useful for system analysts, members of scientific and development projects, undergraduate and graduate students specialized in maintenance and configuration management of complex program systems.
Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Maintenance and changes in a life-cycle of software systems.
1.1. Peculiarities of project management for software systems.
1.2. Peculiarities of defects, mistakes, and changes in complex software systems.
1.3. Organization and methods of software system maintenance.
1.4. Stages and procedures of software system maintenance.
1.5. Tasks and processes of programs and data porting onto other platforms.
1.6. Factors affected an efficiency of porting onto other platforms.
Chapter 2. Configuration management in a life-cycle of software systems.
2.1. Methods and processes of software system configuration management.
2.2. Stages and procedures of software system configuration management.
2.3. Documentation and archiving in maintenance and configuration management of software systems.
Chapter 3. Methods and facilities to support software systems maintenance and configuration management.
3.1. Resources needed to support software systems maintenance and configuration management of software systems.
3.2. Training of specialists for software systems maintenance and configuration management.
3.3. Quality characteristics of processes of software systems maintenance.
3.4. Verification and testing of changes in software systems maintenance.
3.5. Tools for configuration management of software systems.
Chapter 4. Standardization of maintenance, configuration management, and open systems for software systems.
4.1. Standards for life-cycle, maintenance, and configuration management of software systems.
4.2. Standard's profiles for life-cycle, maintenance, and configuration management of software systems.
4.3. Tasks and directions of development of the concept of open systems.
4.4. Standards regulated structure and interfaces of software systems with operational and external environments.
4.5. Peculiarities of profiles of open information systems, applications, and databases.
Appendixes. A list of major standards regulated maintenance and configuration management of software systems.
About author.
The series of monographs by V.V. Lipaev.
Books of the SYNTEG publishers.