Victor P. Ivannikov
Academician RAS, Professor, Dr. Sci. (Phys.–Math.)

Scopus Author ID: 7006536801
Researcher ID: N-1714-2015
Head of the System Programming Department of CMC MSU.
Head of the System Programming Department of MIPT.
Head of the System Programming Department of HSE.
Phone: +7(495) 912-44-25.
Address: 109004, Moscow, Alexander Solzhenitsyn st., 25.
Research Interests
- System Programming;
- Computer Architecture;
- Operating Systems.
Victor Ivannikov is a prominent scientist in the field of computer engineering and programming. Born in 1940, he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) in 1963 where he specialized in mathematical computation devices and appliances. After graduating, he went on to work at the renowned Institute of Precise Mechanics and Computer Engineering (IPMaCE) becoming a leading member of the team responsible for creating the D-68 operating system for the BESM-6 computer.
While at IPMaCE, Ivannikov gained extensive experience of systems programming that enabled him to make notable contributions to the development of operating systems, including the creation of new ways to organize parallel processing and programming complexes. Ivannikov also conducted numerous research projects and was responsible for important innovations in object-oriented programming, creating new cluster technology that was implemented during the creation of the AS-6 operating system and has been used in various computational complexes and super-computers.
In the 1980s Ivannikov worked at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR’s Institute of Cybernetics and supervised the creation and implementation of automatic design and software development for super computers. In 1984 he was elected an associate member of the Academy and continues to head commissions on programming and software distribution there while organizing exchanges between Russian scientists and their foreign counterparts as a member of the board of the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
In 1994 he established the Academic Institute of System Programming, and served as its director since. The institute develops methods and tools for the assessment of software reliability, performance and safety, the analysis of high-performance and distributed systems, including GRID, and the formalization of the basic standards of open and telecommunication systems. Mr. Ivannikov also leads the departments of system programming at the faculty of Computation Mathematics and Cybernetics at Moscow State University, the MIPT and HSE, where he lectures on the fundamentals of algorithms and algorithmic languages as well as on general issues in the field of the information sciences.
Education, Academic Degree, Academic Status
- 2008. Academician RAS;
- 1986. Professor;
- 1980. Doctor of Physics and Mathematics;
- 1971. PhD (Physics and Mathematics);
- 1963. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology «Mathematical computing instruments and devices».
- Computer Architecture and Assembler (CMC MSU);
- Special Scientific Seminars "Management of data and information systems" (CMC MSU);
- Research Seminar "System programming" (HSE);
- Research Seminar "Component-Oriented Programming" (HSE).
Scientific advisor of many PhD and students.
Professional Activities
- Heads the Russian Linux Verification Center;
- An active member of the program committees of both Russian and international conferences, including Gelato, ForTIA, GO4IT;
- Member of the Association for Computing Machinery;
- Heads the Russian branch of the IEEE Computer Society.
Science Council Member
- Institute for System Programming (ISPRAS);
- Department of Mathematical Sciences (AS Russia) board.
Ph.D. Thesis Committees
- Institute for System Programming (ISPRAS)
Editor-in-Chief of Editorial Boards
- Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming of the RAS, in Russian and English;
- Programming and Computer Software, in Russian and English.
- Belevantsev, A.A.,Veselevich, E.A.,Ivannikov, V.P. Analysis of entities in C and C++ programs and relations between them for program understanding. Programming and Computer Software, Volume 42, Issue 1, January 2016. pp 49-53.
- A. I. Get'man , V.P. Ivannikov, Yu. V. Markin, V. A. Padaryan, A. Yu. Tikhonov. Model of Data Handling for In-Depth Analysis of Network Traffic. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming Volume 27 (Issue 4). 2015 y. pp. 5-22.
- V.P. Ivannikov, A.S. Kamkin, M.M. Chupilko. Verifying Correctness of HDL-Model Behavior on the Basis of Dynamical Trace Matching. St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal. Computer Science. Telecommunication and Control Systems, 2(193), 2014, pp. 130-142.
- V. Ivannikov, S. Gaisaryan and A. Tomilin, "System Software for the Computing System "Electronica SSBIS". Computer Technology in Russia and in the Former Soviet Union (SoRuCom), 2014 Third International Conference on, Kazan, 2014, pp. 118-124. doi: 10.1109/SoRuCom.2014.33
- Ivannikov, V.P.,Belevantsev, A.A.,Borodin, A.E.,(...),Zhurikhin, D.M.,Avetisyan, A.I. Static analyzer Svace for finding defects in a source program code. Programming and Computer Software, September 2014, Volume 40, Issue 5, pp 265-275.
- Ivannikov, V.P.,Kamkin, A.S.,Chupilko, M.M. Correctness checking of HDL-model behavior based on runtime trace matching, Proceedings - 2013 Tools and Methods of Program Analysis, TMPA 2013, 2013. pp. 25-30.
- B. Bourdonov, V. P. Ivannikov, A.S.Kosachev, S. D. Kuznetsov A. N. Tomilin Operating System of the Multi-machine Computer AS-6. Perspectives on Soviet and Russian Computing. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2011, Volume 357/2011, pp. 31-35.
- Burdonov I., Ivannikov V., Kosachiov A. The KLASTOS Project SORUCOM-2011 Proceedings,12–16 September, 2011, Veliky Novgorod, Russia, pp. 76-82.
- Ivannikov V., Turdakov D., Nedumov Y. Fast Text Annotation with Linked Data. Eighth International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies 26 - 30 September, 2011, Yerevan, Armenia.
- Ivannikov, V.P.,Grushin, D.A.,Kuzyurin, N.N.,Pospelov, A.I.,Shokurov, A.V. Software for improving the energy efficiency of a computer cluster. Programming and Computer Software, November 2010, Volume 36, Issue 6, pp 327-336.
- Ivannikov V. P., Avetisyan A. I., Gaissaryan S. S., Akopyan M. S. Implementation of parallel programs interpreter in the development environment ParJava. Web of Science, PROGRAMMING AND COMPUTER SOFTWARE, 2009.
- Budenkov, G.A.,Ivannikov, V.P.,Kabakova, A.V.,Strizhak, V.A. Ultrasonic quality control of press-fit joints. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, August 2009, 45:575, 2009.
- Belevantsev, A.A.,Gaisaryan, S.S.,Ivannikov, V.P. Construction of speculative optimization algorithms, Programming and Computer Software, May 2008, Volume 34, Issue 3, pp 138-153.
- Ivannikov, V. Grand challenges of system programming. Perspectives of Systems Informatics, Volume 4378 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 19-19.
- Ivannikov, V.,Gaissaryan, S.,Avetisyan, A.,Padaryan, V. Model based performance evaluation for MPI programs (Chapter). Parallel Computing Technologies Volume 4671 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 537-543.
- Ivannikov, V.P.,Kamkin, A.S.,Kossatchev, A.S.,Kuliamin, V.V.,Petrenko, A.K. The use of contract specifications for representing requirements and for functional testing of hardware models, Programming and Computer Software, September 2007, Volume 33, Issue 5, pp 272-282.
- Avetisyan, A.I.,Gaisaryan, S.S.,Ivannikov, V.P.,Padaryan, V.A. Productivity prediction of MPI programs based on models. Automation and Remote Control, May 2007, Volume 68, Issue 5, pp 750-759.
- Ivannikov, V.P.,Gaisaryan, S.S.,Avetisyan, A.I.,Padaryan, V.A. Estimation of dynamical characteristics of a parallel program on a model. Programming and Computer Software, September 2006, Volume 32, Issue 4, pp 203-214
- Ivannikov, V.P.,Gaissaryan, S.S.,Avetisyan, A.I.,Padaryan, V.A. Checkpointing improvement in ParJava environment (Book Chapter), Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2004: Multidisciplinary Applications, 2005.
- Ivannikov, V.,Gaissaryan, S.,Avetisyan, A.,Padaryan, V.,Leontiev, G. Model based recovery protocol in ParJava environment, Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA '04, June 21-24, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Volume 3.
- Ivannikov, V.,Gaissaryan, S.,Avetisyan, A.,Padaryan, V. Development of scalable parallel programs in ParJava environment (Book Chapter). Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2003: Advanced Numerical Methods, Software and Applications, 2004.
- Ivannikov, V.,Gaissaryan, S.,Avetisyan, A.,Padaryan, V. Improving properties of a parallel program in ParJava environment, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2003.
- Ivannikov, V.,Gaissaryan, S.,Avetisyan, A.,Padaryan, V. Using symbolic execution of a parallel program to estimate its scalability, Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, 2003.
- Ivannikov, V.P.,Kovalenko, N.S.,Metel'skii, V.M. On the minimal time required for execution of distributed concurrent processes in synchronous modes. Programming and Computer Software September 2000, Volume 26, Issue 5, pp 268-274.
- Victor Ivannikov, Sergei Morozov, Vitaly Semenov, Oleg Tarlapan, Reinhard Rasche, Thomas Jung. Parallel object-oriented modeling and visualization in OpenMV environment.Proceedings of GraphiCon'99. Publisher: Dialog-MSU, 1999. Pp. 206-213.
- Ivannikov V. P., Dyshlevoi K. V., Zadorozhnyi V. I. Specification of Metaextensions for Efficient Metaobject Control. Programming and Computer Software, No. 4, 1997.
- Ivannikov V. P., Dyshlevoi K. V., Kamensky V. E., Klimov A. V., Manzgeley S. G., Omelchenko V. A., Solovskaya L. B., Vinokurov A. A. Distributed applications design and run time support in Cover Model.
- Ivannikov V. P., Dyshlevoi K. V., Kamensky V. E., Klimov A. V., Manzgeley S. G., Omelchenko V. A., Solovskaya L. B., Vinokurov A. A. Cover Model: a Framework for Design and Execution for Distributed Applications.