Sergey D. Kuznetsov
Doctor of Sciences, Professor

Principal Scientist of the Institute for System Programming of Russian Academy of Sciences;
Professor of Moscow State University (MSU);
Professor of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).
E-mail: Adress: 25 Alexander Solzjenitsin str., Moscow, Russia, 109004Research Areas
- Operating Systems;
- Data Management;
- Data Models and Languages;
- Data and Application Integration;
- Data Analysis and Mining.
Educational Background
- Mathematics (M.S. from MSU);
- Computer Science (PhD from MSU, Dr. of Science from the Institute of Problems of Cybernetics of RAS).
Key academic accomplishments and recognition
Author or co-author of over 200 journal articles and 3 textbooks on various topics of databases. List of publications can be found at Editor or Associate Editor of various journals, currently deputy chief editor of the Proceedings of the ISP RAS. Vice-chair of Moscow ACM SIGMOD Chapter. Has been the President of Soviet UNIX User Group, actively collaborated with EurOpen and Usenix.
Research leadership and collaboration
Scientific advisor of the MODIS team at the ISP RAS, scientific advisor of many PhD and student projects at MSU and MIPT.
Has been: leader or principal member of several research and development projects in operating systems and database areas including operating systems for multimachine complex AS-6, Cluster Operating System, GNU SQL Server, Sedna native XML DBMS, etc.
Industry experience
Key designer of AS-6 operating system, GNU SQL Server, BizQuery data integration system, etc.
Other relevant items
Member of the expert advisory board of RFBR since early 90s (provided expert references for more than 1000 research projects), expert advisory board of Russian Foundation for Humanities (more than 500 references), invited expert of expert board of several Russian government organizations.