ISP RAS preprints

ISP RAS preprints

Along with the main publication – Proceedings of ISP RAS, the Institute publishes preprints. So we follow the remarkable tradition of the Keldysh institute of applied mathematics. Its specialists’ preprints were very useful for many Institute members. As preprints we publish materials of the ISP RAS members, which must be brought to the notice of readers urgently or which do not fit for publishing in the Proceedings of ISP RAS due to their size or other features. As with articles, presented for publishing in the Proceedings of ISP RAS, all materials, submitted for publishing as preprints, are being reviewed.

The procedure of selecting and preparing preprints for publishing is in charge of the Proceedings of ISP RAS editorial board:

  1. Arutyun Avetisyan, Director of ISP RAS, Academician RAS, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor,
  2. Igor Burdonov, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, leading research officer,
  3. Sergey Gaysaryan, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor, a head of department,
  4. Leonid Karpov, doctor of technical sciences, leading research officer,
  5. Alexander Kosachev, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, leading research officer,
  6. Sergey Kuznetsov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, principal research officer,
  7. Nikolay Kuzyurin, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, a head of department,
  8. Alexander Petrenko, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, a head of department,
  9. Vitaly Semenov, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, leading research officer,
  10. Alexander Tomilin, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, principal research officer,
  11. Viktor Shnitman, doctor of technical sciences, senior research officer, deputy director, a head of department.

Authors of preprints have a right for republication of their works in other titles. In return, the Proceedings of ISP RAS editorial board has the right for distributing preprints (with unconditional preservation of authors’ names and right of authorship) in other printed and electronic titles. Up to 2010 preprints of ISP RAS were published only in hard copies. Since the end of 2010 they are also available in soft copies.