Труды Института системного программирования РАН


Articles in Proceedings of ISP RAS are double-blind peer reviewed where both the reviewer(s) and author(s) remain anonymous throughout the process. All submitted manuscripts are subjected to review by at least two experts in the related field following the procedure outlined below.

  1. Once a manuscript is submitted to the editorial office, the editor decides whether it fits the journal's scope; if it is not, the manuscript is rejected.
  2. The qualified manuscript is then double-blind reviewed by at least two experts in the related field:
    • these reviewers are selected by the editors among the specialists in the related field;
    • suggestions may be selected from members of the editorial board.
  3. The reviewers are asked to evaluate whether the manuscript:
    • is original;
    • is methodologically sound;
    • has results that are clearly presented;
    • correctly references previous related work;
    • follows appropriate ethical guidelines.
  4. The review may include one of the following recommendations:
    • accepted unchanged;
    • accepted with minor revision;
    • accepted with major revision;
    • rejected.

Basing on comments and recommendations of reviewers, the editors make the editorial decision.

Typically, the manuscript is reviewed within two months.