02 August, 2019
OS DAY-2019. Cooperation among operating platform developers and the security of Russian software
10 April, 2019
Ivannikov Memorial Workshop has been supported by IEEE
Nina V. Yevtushenko
Doctor of Sciences, Professor
![Nina Nina V. Yevtushenko, Doctor of Sciences, Professor](
Head of the laboratory of Tomsk State University
E-mail: Adress: Tomsk State University, 36, Lenin Str., Tomsk, 634050, RussiaResearch Areas
- main field automata theory, analysis and synthesis of Finite State Machines, model based testing,
- other fields protocols of communicating systems, complex system analysis and synthesis
- current research interest nondeterministic Finite State Machine (FSM) analysis and synthesis, automata and FSM equation solving, test derivation
Education (degrees, dates, universities)
- Professor (1994), Tomsk State University
- Doctor of Tech. Scie. (1991, Computer Sciences), Tomsk State University
- Candidate of Phys.-Math. Scie. (1983), Saratov State University
- Tomsk State University (1971), department of radiophysics
Career/Employment (employers, positions and dates)
- (1991-present) - Professor of Tomsk State University, department of radiophysics
- (1985-1991) - Head of laboratory of Finite State Machine Design of Siberian Institute of Physics and Technology
- (1977-1985) - Scientific researcher of Siberian Institute of Physics and Technology
- (1973-1977) - PhD student of Tomsk State University
- (1971-1973) - Scientific researcher of Siberian Institute of Physics and Technology
Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies:
- Award for outstanding research in computer sciences for a joint team (Tomsk government, 1998);
- Award for supervising one of the best student works (Ministry of High Education, Russia, 2002, 2004);
- Distinguished Professor of the Ministry of High Education, Russia (2003).
Supervision of scientific projects and participation in international projects:
The head of projects of the Russian Fund of basic research:
- FSM networks analysis and synthesis, 93-01-00487, (1993-1994);
- Solving FSM equations and inequalities, 99-01-00337, (1999-2000);
- Digital circuit optimization based on solving equations over structural FSMs, 07-08-12243, (2007-2008);
The head of projects of the Russian Ministry of High Education:
- Studying conformance relations between nondeterministic FSMs (1994-1995);
- Discrete event systems analysis and synthesis (1996-1997);
- Developing methods and software tools for design and testing digital controllers (1998 - 2000);
- Studying the reduction and equivalence relations between nondeterministic FSMs, Е00 – 2.0 – 33, 2001-2002;
- Algebra of automata and FSMs: relations, operators, solving equations and inequalities, UR. 04.01.018, 2002 – 2003.
- Studying and developing probability, statistical and logic methods and tools for evaluating the quality of telecommunication systems’ components, project N 739, project part of GOSZADANIE MINOBRNAUKI RF.
- The head of the Russian team of the joint scientific projects of the Russian Scientific Fund (RSF, Russia) and Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST, Taiwan) ''Reliability, Security, and Trust for Systems as Services: Scalable Solutions for Efficient Analysis and management” in collaboration with Prof. Roland Jiang, National Taiwan University (Taiwan), 2016-2018.
- The head of the Russian team of the joint scientific projects of the Russian Fund for Basic Research and Scientific and Technological International Bureau of the Federal Council of Turkey Research ''Novel heuristics and FSM representations for efficient checking of functional requirements of discrete event systems” in collaboration with Prof. Husnu Yennigan, Sabanchi University of Turkey, 2015-2016.
- The head of the Russian team of the joint scientific project with TELECOM SudParis funded by the Russian Federal Agency on research and innovations “Developing automata-based strategies and software tools for discrete event systems verification and testing“, contract № 02.514.12.4002, 2009-2010. The project is a part of the Russian project on Joint IT research with French scientific organizations, «2009-04-1.4-00-02-003».
- Principal investigator of the project ''Discrete Event System Optimization through Automata/FSM Equation Solving'' funded by the NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant CBP.NR.CLG 982314, 2006-2008. Project coordinator: Prof. R. Brayton, UC Berkeley, USA. Research teams involved from Russia (Prof. N. Yevtushenko, Tomsk State University), USA (Prof. Brayton, UC Berkeley), Italy (Prof. T. Villa, University of Verona), Ukraine (Prof. Anatoliy Chebotarev, Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kyiv).
- The head of the Russian team of the joint scientific project of Russian Fund of basic research and National Scientific Council of Taiwan ''Hardware System Optimization through Synthesis under Topological Constraints”, RFBR-NSC N 10-08-92003 (2010-2013), and ''Digital circuit optimization based on FSM/automata equation solving”, RFBR-NSC N 06-08-89500 (2006-2008). Research teams involved from Russia (Prof. N. Yevtushenko, Tomsk State University), Taiwan (Prof. Roland Jiang, National Taiwan University).
- The head of the Russian team of the joint project ‘Training And Research On Testing’, TAROT, N 505121, Marie Curie Actions in the 6th European FP, 2003-2008.
- Principal investigator of the project ''Logic synthesis and analysis through automata and language equation solving'' funded by the NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant No. PST.CLG.979698, years 2003-2004. Project coordinator: Prof. R. Brayton, UC Berkeley, USA. Research teams involved from Russia (Prof. N. Yevtushenko, Tomsk State University), USA (Prof. Brayton, UC Berkeley), Italy (Prof. T. Villa, University of Udine).
- Principal investigator of the project ''Finite State Machine networks design and testing'' funded by the NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant No. PST.CLG.971217, years 1997-1999. Project coordinator: Prof. R. Brayton, UC Berkeley, USA. Research teams involved from Russia (Prof. N. Yevtushenko, Tomsk State University) and USA (Prof. Brayton, UC Berkeley).
- Elements of code theory
- Model based testing
- Nondeterministic Finite State Machines: analysis and synthesis
- Linear algebra
- General algebra
- Finite State Machines
- Codes correcting errors
- The head of the organizing committee of biannual Russian conference on Applied Mathematics with international participation (the 11th conference has been held in 2016);
- Co-Chair of the 27th IFIP International Conference on Testing Systems and Software, ICTSS’2015, Dubai, 2015;
- Program Committee member of ICST2010;
- Program Committee member of International workshop MBT (2007 – 2013);
- Program Committee member of CAD International conference organized by Institute of Cybernetics and Informatics (Minsk, 2007);
- Program Committee member of annual International conference TESTCOM (2001 – 2013);
- Co-Chair of 11th IFIP International Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems, hosted by Tomsk State University in 1998;
- Program Committee member of annual International conference FORTE (1999 - 2009), annual International workshop TESTCOM (1996 – 1998);
- Invited professor at Technical University (Graz, Ausria), 2014;
- Invited researcher at National Institute des Telecommunications/Telecom SudParis (INT/TSP, Evry, France), 1997, 1999, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 (one or two months each time);
- Invited professor at Verona University, Italy (2011);
- Invited professor at Universite de Montreal, Canada, 1996 (five months), 1997 (two months); Ottawa university, Canada, 2000 (two months);
- Invited professor at CRIM, Canada, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2009 (one or two months each time);
- Invited professor in Anthill university (Guadeloupe), 2006 (one month).
International projects:
Master and PhD courses
Undergraduate course
International conferences and workshops (selected):
International activity:
Selected Publications
N. V. Yevtushenko. Doctor thesis (Technical Sciences): “Test Synthesis for Monitoring Systems of Logic Control the Automata Experiments Theory Methods”, Тomsk State University, 1991. N. V. Yevtushenko. PhD thesis (Phys.–Math.): “The Reducibility of Finite Automata”, Saratov State University, 1983.Books
1. Tiziano Villa, Nina Yevtushenko, Robert K. Brayton, Alan Mishchenko, Alexandre Petrenko, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. The Unknown Component Problem. Theory and Applications. - Springer, 2012. - 326 p.
2. N.Yevtushenko, M.Reckun, S.Tichkomirova. Nondeterministic Finite State machines: Analysis and Synthesis. Part 2: Solving equations over Finite State Machines. Tomsk State University Publishers, 2010 (in Russian).
3. N.Yevtushenko, A.Petrenko, M.Vetrova. Nondeterministic Finite State machines: Analysis and Synthesis. Part 1: Relations and Operators. Tomsk State University Publishers, 2006 (in Russian).
4. N.Yevtushenko, A.Kolomeez, D.Popov. Electronic textbook on codes correcting errors. Electronic resources of Tomsk State University, 2007, (in Russian).
5. Proceedings of the 11th international workshop on Testing Communicating Systems, edited by Alexandre Petrenko, Nina Yevtushenko, 1998.
6. G.Agibalov, N.Yevtushenko. FSM decomposition. Published by Tomsk University Publishers, 1985 (in Russian).
Selected journal papers (2012-2016)
1. Kushik, N., Yevtushenko, N., Evtushenko, T. Novel machine learning technique for predicting teaching strategy effectiveness. International Journal of Information Management (published online, March, 5, 2016).
2. Natalia Kushik, Khaled El-Fakih, Nina Yevtushenko, Ana R. Cavalli:
On adaptive experiments for nondeterministic finite state machines. STTT, 2016, 18(3), pp. 251-264.
3. Natalia Kushik, Nina Yevtushenko. Describing Homing and Distinguishing Sequences for Nondeterministic Finite State Machines via Synchronizing Automata // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015, Vol. 9223, pp. 188-198.
4. Tiziano Villa, Alexandre Petrenko, Nina Yevtushenko, Robert K. Brayton, Alan Mishchenko, Component-Based Design by Solving Language. IEEE Proceedings, 2015, 103 (11), pp. 2152-2167.
5. Khaled El-Fakih, Nina Yevtushenko, Adenilso Simão. A practical approach for testing timed deterministic finite state machines with single clock // Science of Computer Programming. Elsevier, 2014, Vol. 80, pp. 343-355.
6. César Andrés, Ana Cavalli, Nina Yevtushenko, João Santos, and Rui Abreu. On Modeling and Testing Components of the European Train Control System // International Journal of Advances in Computer Science & Its Applications, IJCSIA, 2014, 4 (3), pp. 147-151.
7. Natalia Kushik, Denisa Ianculescu, Ana Cavalli, Nina Yevtushenko, and Mounir LallaliVerifying and testing ETCS Train Implementations based on IF specifications // International Journal of Advances in Computer Science, IJMCS, 2014, 1 (1), pp.43-46.
8. O. Kondratyeva, N. Yevtushenko, A. Cavalli. Parallel composition of FSMs with timeouts. // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta: series: Upravlenie, vychislitelnaja technika, informatica.. Управление, вычислительная техника и информатика. 2014, № 2(27), c. 73–81 (in Russian).
9. Natalia Kushik, Jeevan Pokhrel, Nina Yevtushenko, Ana Cavalli, Wissam Mallouli. QoE Prediction for Multimedia Services: Comparing Fuzzy and Logic Network Approaches // International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence, 2014, Issue 3, pp. 44-65.
10. N. Yevtushenko, K. El-Fakih, T. Villa, R. Jiang. Deriving Compositionally Deadlock-Free Components over Synchronous Automata Compositions // The Computer Journal, 58 (11), 2015, pp. 2793-2803.
11. Khaled El-Fakih, Maxim Gromov, Natalia Shabaldina, and Nina Yevtushenko. Distinguishing Experiments for Timed Nondeterministic Finite State Machines // Acta Cybernetica, 2013, Vol. 21, pp. 205-222.
12. Evtushenko N. V., Kushik N. G. Setting a Complex System to a Known Initial State. Russian Physics Journal, 2013, 55 (12), pp: 1500-1501.
13. Natalia Kushik, Nina Evtushenko. On the Length of Homing Sequences for Nondeterministic Finite State Machines // Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (LNCS), 2013, Vol. 7982, pp. 220-231.
14. Iksoon Hwang, Nina Yevtushenko, Ana R. Cavalli Tight bound on the length of distinguishing sequences for non-observable nondeterministic Finite-State Machines with a polynomial number of inputs and outputs// Information Processing Letters, 2012, 112 (7), pp. 298–301.
15. Natalia Kushik, Amel Mammar, Ana R. Cavalli, Nina Yevtushenko, Willy Jimenez, Edgardo Montes de Oca. A SPIN-based approach for detecting vulnerabilities in C programs. // Automatic control and Computer Sciences, 2012, 46 (7), pp. 379-386.
16. Adenilso da Silva Simão, Alexandre Petrenko, Nina Yevtushenko. On reducing test length for FSMs with extra states// Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 2012, 22 (6), pp. 435–454.